some of shop in petit pas join in charity for the victim of Japan earthquake and tsunami"Move for F of Japan"
i inform these items!
these are special goodies ;)
[[nocc.]] release limited tree and green carpet:)

shidareSAKURA MFJ (copy ver.) 390L$〜

SAKURA 3trees MFJ (copy ver.) 390L$〜
shidareSAKURA MFJ (copy ver.) 390L$〜
SAKURA carpet MFJ 210L$〜
Dimbula Rose released new 2 series dresses.
each price 250L$~

skin:Dimbula Rose
dress&tights(left):Dimbula Rose(charity)
pose:Body Language by Sweet Lovely Cute
socks:Kyoko Couture(charity)

skin:Sweets Party
hair ribbon,dress&socks:Dimbula Rose
pose:Body Language by Sweet Lovely Cute
Lo*momo released awesome dress "ALLURE" limited ver.

include 2 type skirts.

Kyoko Couture released doughnuts set and 24 colors socks set.

berry smile doughnuts 100L$〜

laced knee-high socks(24color set) 180L$〜
please enjoy and help Japan.
petit pas mall